TDSR 是相当新的新加坡房地产新条列。它是在七轮降温措施后,于 2013 年 6 月 28日实施,但政府并不认为这是另一轮的降温措施。却把它看作是一项确保财务公司发放贷款的长期严谨务实步骤。
相反,押贷偿还能力比 (MSR) 是在 2013 年 1 月开始实施 7 轮降温措施时,金融管理局 (MAS) 管辖下的财务或金融企业第一次强制执行的条款。之前,只有 HDB 的押贷需要遵守。
TDSR 和 MSR 看来会继续施行下去了,就让我们把它们二者之间的不同处作个对比吧 :
Table 1: Comparing MSR And TDSR
The monthly repayment of a mortgage do not exceed 30% of the borrower’s gross income每月分期摊还贷款,不得超过借贷人每月总收入的 30% | All monthly debt obligations, inclusive of the mortgage repayment, do not exceed 60% of the borrower’s gross monthly income每月全部摊还债务,包括押贷分期,不得超过借贷人月总收入的 60%
Applies to all mortgages, whether by FIs or HDB, granted for the purchase of a HDB flat or an EC适用于各种押贷自财务金融公司或 HDB 批准用来购买组屋或执行公寓 (EC) | Applies to all property loans, whether residential properties or otherwise, granted by FI适用于财务金融公司发放的全部房贷,不论住用或其他房产
Hence HDB concessionary loans are exempted from it 只有 HDB 特别优惠贷款可免 |
When computing the MSR, the FI has to use a specified medium-term rate (3.5%), or the existing market rate, whichever is higher.在计算 MSR 时,财务金融公司必须采用指定的中期利率 (3,5%) 或以市场利率,高者为准
For the HDB concessionary loan, the rate to be used is the prevailing rate of the loan which has remained at 2.60%p.a. since July 1999. HDB 优惠贷款,期利率始终以 1999 年 1 月发布的 2.6% |
When computing the TDSR, the FI has to use a specified medium-term rate, or the existing market rate, whichever is higher.计算 TDSR 时,财务金融公司只准采用指定的中期利率,或按市场利率,高者为准
The specified rate: 指定利率如下 : 3.5% for housing loans 房贷利率为 3.5% 4.5% for non-residential property loans 非住用地产利率为 4.5% |
For refinancing (再融资)the MSR will not apply to loans for HDB flats and ECs that are
组屋或执行公寓不受 MSR 条例管制 owner-occupied, AND were purchased before their respective MSR implementation dates
自住或再 MSR 执行前购买的房产不受管制 |
For refinancing (再融资)the TDSR will not apply if
TDSR 不适用于以下产业: the residential property is owner-occupied, AND 自住的私人房产或 the Option to Purchase (OTP) of the residential property was granted before 29 June 2013
私人房产的购屋意向书 (OTP)在 2013 年 6 月 28 日 前签署,不受管制 |
资料取自 HDB, MAS, MND
对以上二者的区分,还有任何疑问,或其他贷款有关的问题?今天就找 iCompareLoan 的专业押贷代理谈谈,要求一些免费的新加坡押贷讯息。